University Democrats were first registered at the University of Texas at Austin as a student organization in 1953. Since then, we have been committed to promoting progressive values, electing Democratic candidates, and turning Texas blue. You may also know us as Young Democrats and UT Democrats.
Our leadership team, UDLC (University Democrats Leadership Committee), is elected every semester to best serve the interests of our growing organization. As we enter once more into a busy legislative session, UDLC is excited to get students engaged in local politics and voting like never before.
Our 2025 Legislative Focus
UDems is dedicated to promoting legislation that supports student welfare, social justice, and equitable opportunities for all.
Prevent the expanision of anti-DEI policies
Ensuring Proper Funding for
Public Education
Protecting Student Voting Rights
Ensuring Proper Funding for
Public Education
Texas thrives when public schools thrive. Diverting funds to private school vouchers undermines our public education system and communities. A quality education is a right, not a privilege.
Protecting Student Voting Rights
Our democracy works best when everyone participates. Voting should be accessible to everyone, especially students, who are often targeted by voter suppression tactics. We’re supporting legislation that protects and expands access to the ballot box for all Texans.
Voting and Elections
Public Education
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Prevent the expanision of anti-DEI policies
Our universities are stronger when all students have access to critical support. Cuts to DEI programs have removed resources for marginalized students, causing layoffs, closures, and uncertainty. We’re advocating for legislation to protect these programs and ensure all students thrive in an equitable academic environment.

How to Testify
Be concise: Most testimony is limited to 2-3 minutes, so prioritize your strongest points.
Stick to facts and personal experience: Avoid vague generalizations or excessive emotions.
Stay professional and composed: Emotional appeals are valid, but an argumentative tone can diminish credibility.
Anticipate questions: Committee members may ask follow-ups, so be prepared to elaborate on your points.
Practice beforehand: Rehearsing your testimony can help ensure you stay within the time limit and deliver a clear message

UDems Priorities Bill Tracker