Register or Update Your Voter Registration
You are eligible to register to vote in Texas if:
You are a U.S. citizen.
You are at least 17 years and 10 months old and will be 18 by Election Day.
You are not currently serving a sentence for a felony conviction (including probation or parole).
A court has not declared you totally or partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote.

How to Register:
In-Person (Recommended): Visit the University Democrats table on campus or the Travis County Tax Office. Trained volunteers can guide you and ensure your application is processed promptly.
Pick Up a Form: Voter registration forms are available at Austin-area public libraries, U.S. Postal Service offices, and state offices for public safety or health and human services.
Request by Mail Online: Visit the Secretary of State Website Texas Secretary of State to request an application by mail. This option is great for convenience but can take longer.
Mail Your Application: Fill out and send the completed form to the address provided on the application.
Important Notes:
Your voter registration becomes active 30 days after your application is received. You’ll receive your certificate in the mail within that time frame.
If you move within Texas, update your voter registration online to avoid delays. Moving to a new county requires canceling your Travis County registration and registering in the new county.
If you’re moving out of Texas, contact your new state’s election office for guidance.